

  • 主要内容
    • 每天十分钟的听力练习笔记
    • 只是谨防自己三分钟热度所以敦促自己每天听的手段QAQ,随便记记而已


  • 单词
    • scooter :小摩托车
    • eyepatch:眼罩
    • pink eye:红眼,急性结膜炎
    • greasy
      • 含义:沾油脂的,油污的;含脂肪的,油腻的;油性的;滑的;圆滑的,虚情假意的
      • 可以用来形容食物 、头发
  • 发音
    • your –》 yer
    • lot of –》 lotta


  • 单词
    • drug trial 药物实验
    • guinea pig
      • 豚鼠
      • a person used in medical or other experiments 实验对象
    • roll the side effects dice :冒着副作用的风险
      • roll the dice:掷骰子, 可以引申为孤注一掷
    • hallucination:幻觉
      • [həˌluːsɪˈneɪʃn]
      • A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgment based upon it.


  • 单词
    • take advantage of
      • 之前经常 +sth 当作“充分利用”的正面词汇,类似还有比如take advantage of sb:占某人便宜


  • 单词
    • benefit
      • 慈善晚会
      • benefit concert 慈善音乐会
    • up for:愿意参与某活动
      • It`s exciting because it is very much up for grabs
        • 工作、奖金、机会等 等待你去争取,赢取
    • reprise:重复、重演、重奏、重现
      • A study which I now reprise for you now from a 2001 article


  • unwind
    • == relax
  • a full day off:一整个休息日
    • take a day off
  • of late: 最近,近来
    • Religious oppression is another big issue that we`ve seen of late
    • 你最近都在忙什么:what`s been taken up your day as of late